Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Headlines

Obama Suffers Devestating Loss in Mass. Senate Upset - Newsmax
Do You Believe in Miracles? Yes! - NRO
The Scott Heard Around the World - WND
Epic Upset, GOP's Brown Wins Mass. Senate Race - Townhall
Pigs Fly, Hell Freezes Over... and GOP Wins Mass. Senate Seat - Orbusmax
Dems brace for more 2010 fallout - Politico

In terms of political symbolism, it’s hard to top Republican Scott Brown’s winning Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in the midst of a raging national health-care debate. In truth, Brown’s win is so fantastically improbable that, as with many earlier moments in American history, it’s hard not to see something of Providence in it.

- Jeffrey H. Anderson

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