Saturday, October 2, 2010

One Trillion....

by Connie Hair

A crowd of about one trillion people attended the hard-left progressive One Nation rally on the Mall Saturday in Washington, D.C. Leave aside for a moment that there are around seven billion people inhabiting the entire planet, attendees came from as far away as Alpha Centauri and Uranus to attend the rally in support of Barack Obama and his big government agenda.

All of these people want free health care (they already got the free lunch and T-shirt when they were bused in).

In all seriousness, if you weren't watching MSNBC's kind coverage (their drop-in shots were few and far between due to low turnout), you'd find there were actually a few thousand people surrounding the Reflecting Pool at the Lincoln Memorial on the Mall, herded into and held in that limited area by pre-set fencing as seen here. (h/t Amanda Carpenter)

by Connie Hair, read it here

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